

Friday, November 29, 2013


In the words of Willie Nelson "On the road again, going places that I've never been, seeing things that I may never see again"
Yes finally after 18 months of topping up the funds we are back on the road !

We depart on Monday 2 December 2013.

Our plans now are to fly into Santiago , Chile, and purchase motorbikes there. We will then ride through South America: Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia and Peru.

Some of the adventures along the way will include:
Watching the Dakar 2014 in Bolivia, The Atacama desert (driest place on earth),Worlds most dangerous road Bolivia,  Boat ride and hike through the Amazon, Paraguay Iguazu falls, Peru Inca ruins, Muchu Picchu and what ever other adventures come our way !

After South America we head to the US of A !!! Route 66, Grand canyon, Vegas and much more!
Exciting times ahead and we will be sharing them with you all through the blog.
We also have a facebook page that we will keep updating: africa2anywhere aswell as a twitter account: pnmcmullen